Foreign Affairs Style Guide

Foreign Affairs

Map Article -- Body

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International development has moved beyond charity. Gone are the days when the United States would just spend its seemingly bottomless largess to help less fortunate or vanquished countries, as it did after World War II. International development has reached a new, globally competitive stage, bringing with it enormous strategic and economic implications for the United States in the years ahead.

He who controls the Spice: Caption would go here and extend across like this. He who controls the Spice: Caption would go here and extend across like this.
<div class="article-dropcap-body article-dropcap-body--last f-serif mt-3">
  <p>International development has moved beyond charity. Gone are the days when the United States would just spend its
    seemingly bottomless largess to help less fortunate or vanquished countries, as it did after World War II.
    International development has reached a new, globally competitive stage, bringing with it enormous strategic and
    economic implications for the United States in the years ahead.</p>

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      <figcaption class="article-lead-map__figcaption">
        <span class="article-lead-map__caption">He who controls the Spice: Caption would go here and extend across like this. He who controls the Spice: Caption would go here and extend across like this. <a href="#"><svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
	 viewBox="54.3 329.2 891.5 891.6" enable-background="new 54.3 329.2 891.5 891.6" xml:space="preserve">
		<polygon points="945.8,719.3 555.7,719.3 555.7,329.2 444.3,329.2 444.3,719.3 54.3,719.3 54.3,830.7 444.3,830.7 444.3,1220.8 
			555.7,1220.8 555.7,830.7 945.8,830.7 		"/>