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Foreign Affairs

Homepage Module -- Today in History

This block holds an illustrated story that occured on this date in history.

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This Day in History

The Battle of Khafji

The Battle of Khafji was the first major ground engagement of the Gulf War. It took place in and around the Saudi Arabian city of Khafji, from 29 January to 1 February 1991 and marked the culmination of the Coalition's air campaign over Kuwait and Iraq, which had begun on 17 January 1991.

Read about it in the Foreign Affairs Archive

This Day in History

The Battle of Khafji

The Battle of Khafji was the first major ground engagement of the Gulf War. It took place in and around the Saudi Arabian city of Khafji, from 29 January to 1 February 1991 and marked the culmination of the Coalition's air campaign over Kuwait and Iraq, which had begun on 17 January 1991.

Read about it in the Foreign Affairs Archive

<section class="today-in-history">
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	c0,89.7,71.8,161.5,159,161.5h679.5c87.2,0,159-71.8,159-161.5V451.9C1000,364.7,928.2,290.4,841,290.4z M879.5,1177.6
</span><time class="today-in-history__date" datetime="01-29">29</time> This Day in History</h2>

  <article class="today-in-history-article">
    <div class="today-in-history-article__image">
    <div class="today-in-history-article__head">
      <p class="today-in-history-article__metadata"><time pubdate datetime="1991-01-29">January 29, 1991</time>
      <h3 class="today-in-history-article__title">The Battle of Khafji</h3>
      <p class="today-in-history-article__deck">The Battle of Khafji was the first major ground engagement of the Gulf War. It took place in and around the Saudi Arabian city of Khafji, from 29 January to 1 February 1991 and marked the culmination of the Coalition's air campaign over Kuwait and Iraq, which had begun on 17 January 1991.</p>
      <a class="today-in-history-article__action" href="#">
        <p>Read about it in the <em>Foreign Affairs</em> Archive </p>
        <span class="today-in-history-article__caret"><img src="/fa_prototype/assets/images/caret.png"></span>

<section class="today-in-history">
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    <h2 class="today-in-history__label tomorrow-in-history"><span class="today-in-history__icon"><svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
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<path d="M841,290.4h-79.5v-38.5c0-23.1-17.9-41-41-41h-41c-20.5,0-38.5,17.9-38.5,41v41h-79.5v-41c0-23.1-17.9-41-41-41h-41
	c0,89.7,71.8,161.5,159,161.5h679.5c87.2,0,159-71.8,159-161.5V451.9C1000,364.7,928.2,290.4,841,290.4z M879.5,1177.6
</span><time class="today-in-history__date" datetime="01-29">30</time> This Day in History</h2>

  <article class="today-in-history-article">
    <div class="today-in-history-article__image">
    <div class="today-in-history-article__head">
      <p class="today-in-history-article__metadata"><time pubdate datetime="1991-01-29">January 29, 1991</time>
      <h3 class="today-in-history-article__title">The Battle of Khafji</h3>
      <p class="today-in-history-article__deck">The Battle of Khafji was the first major ground engagement of the Gulf War. It took place in and around the Saudi Arabian city of Khafji, from 29 January to 1 February 1991 and marked the culmination of the Coalition's air campaign over Kuwait and Iraq, which had begun on 17 January 1991.</p>
      <a class="today-in-history-article__action" href="#">
        <p>Read about it in the <em>Foreign Affairs</em> Archive </p>
        <span class="today-in-history-article__caret"><img src="/fa_prototype/assets/images/caret.png"></span>